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Spotlight on China: China’s warming foreign trade fuels global economic recovery_English Channel_CCTV.com (cctv.com)

        On January 13, 2023, an aerial photograph was taken of vehicles awaiting export at Lianyungang Port in Jiangsu Province. (Photo by Geng Yuhe, Xinhua News Agency)
       Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, Feb. 11 (Xinhua) — Strong orders in early 2023 will mark a strong recovery in Guangdong’s foreign trade and inject new impetus into the global economic recovery.
        As control of the epidemic eases and international exchanges, especially economic and trade, resume, some factories in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province are facing a surge in overseas orders and rising demand for industrial workers. Fierce competition among Chinese companies for orders in the huge overseas market is also evident.
        Guangdong Yinnan Technology Co., Ltd., located in Huizhou Zhongkai Hi-Tech Zone, has fully launched its spring recruitment. After revenue growth of 279% in 2022, headcount doubling in 2023, and orders for various nanomaterials through Q2 2023, Very Full.
        “We are confident and motivated. We hope our business will get off to a good start in the first quarter and aim to increase our product volume by 10% this year,” said Zhang Qian, CEO of Huizhou Meike Electronics Co., Ltd. . Co.,Ltd. sends a marketing team to visit clients in the Middle East, Europe, USA and South Korea to seek collaboration opportunities.
        Overall, as upstream and downstream value chains strengthen and market expectations improve, economic indicators are showing a clear trend toward recovery. Statistics show that Chinese businesses have strong confidence and optimistic prospects.
        Data recently released by the Service Industry Research Center of the National Bureau of Statistics showed that in January, my country’s manufacturing purchasing managers’ index was 50.1%, an increase of 3.1% month on month; the new orders index amounted to 50.9%, i.e. On a monthly basis, the increase was 7 percentage points. Bureau of Statistics, China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing.
       Excellent performance is an important part of Chinese enterprises’ digital transformation and business innovation efforts.
       With the expansion of intelligent production lines and automated assembly lines, as well as upgrades to information management systems, Foshan-based home appliance maker Galanz sells microwaves, toasters, ovens and dishwashers.
       Apart from manufacturing, companies are also paying more attention to cross-border e-commerce, which greatly facilitates their foreign trade business.
        “During the Spring Festival, our sales staff were busy receiving orders, and Alibaba’s inquiry and order volume during the festival was higher than usual, amounting to more than US$3 million,” said Zhao Yunqi, CEO of Sanwei Solar Co., Ltd. . Due to the surge in orders, rooftop solar photovoltaic systems are being shipped to overseas warehouses after production.
        Cross-border e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba have become accelerators of the development of new business formats. Alibaba’s cross-border index shows that high-quality business opportunities in the new energy industry on the platform increased by 92%, becoming a major export highlight.
       The platform also plans to launch 100 overseas digital exhibitions this year, as well as launch 30,000 cross-border live broadcasts and 40 new product launches in March.
       Despite challenges such as the growing risk of a global economic recession and slowing demand growth in overseas markets, China’s import and export potential and contribution to the global economy remain promising.
       The latest report published by Goldman Sachs Group shows that China’s deepening economic opening and recovery in domestic demand could boost global economic growth by about 1% in 2023.
        On October 14, employees of Guangzhou Textile Import and Export Co., Ltd. in Guangdong province, clothes presented online at the 132nd Canton Fair were sorted. , 2022. (Xinhua News Agency/Deng Hua)
        China will maintain a high level of openness and make foreign trade more convenient and accessible in various ways. Restore autonomous domestic export exhibitions and fully support enterprises’ participation in overseas professional exhibitions.
       China will also strengthen cooperation with trading partners, leverage its enormous market advantages, increase imports of high-quality products and stabilize the global trade supply chain, Chinese Ministry of Commerce officials said.
        The 133rd China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair), scheduled to open on April 15, will fully resume offline exhibitions. Chu Shijia, director of the China Foreign Trade Center, said more than 40,000 companies applied to participate. The number of offline kiosks is expected to increase from 60,000 to nearly 70,000.
        “The overall recovery of the exhibition industry will accelerate, and trade, investment, consumption, tourism, catering and other industries will prosper accordingly.” Promoting quality economic development.

Post time: Sep-27-2023